We that want EU/EØS, WHO or/and WEF investigated for fraud, corruption and money laundering

Til: International Criminal court in Haag, ICC

All the citizens of the world, have been subjected to criminal acts, by those who are ment to protect us from danger. We want investigation and a independent trial of the EU/EØS, WHO and WEF for fraud, money laundering and corruption.
We as world citizens demand justice for these criminal acts, which violate the constitution of many countries around the world.
We demand our freedom back, and a halt to the deprivation of liberty to make free choices. We want our freedom to speak up, and the media to give us the truth. No, to the division of society, No to corona pass and No to coercion. Yes to unity and love. sign if you are tired of and no longer want to live in fear! Sign if you want your freedom back. And for all sake sign if you feel robbed and tricked into bad choices!

Signeres av: We that want justice! Please sign!

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Opprettet av
Vibeke Bryhn

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