I'm a Shark, let me live and save the aquatic wildlife

Til: Rob Stewart, United Conservationists

I was inspired by Rob Stewart's movie "Shark Water", and it made me think of the change he did, and the huge difference we could make by doing this small gesture.
Even though the Shark-Finn mass industry is still out there, especially in China. We could make a difference. Each year there is a million sharks getting thrown overboard, with their fins cut off. What many people are not aware off, is the fact that Sharks plays a big part in the biological aquatic life, by reducing and forcing the other species to evolve. The Shark has been on this earth for more than 400 million years, while the humans have lived on this planet for just about 2 million years.
And just in the past 100 years we have created so much damage on the earth, by polluting and even killing what we feel should be less worthy than the homo sapiens, that we are. That doesn't mean that we can't change it for the better. The whole world should involve in such a matter, but I'm not saying you should all be activists.
By signing this campaign, you contribute. You help spread the word, and the social network in 2012, can be used for all its worth.
This is just way of saying, "I care for the world, and if this is one way to help, i'll help!".

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