Spark Ten Hag

Til: Manchester United

He has now bought 12 of his OWN players, a lot of them through his own agent (so obviously he gets money backlash). Manchester United have never played worse football, been worse, you can just look at odds and we are massive underdogs vs Brighton away. Like how did this happen to Manchester United? The only answer is Erik Ten Hag. And he keeps lying, he keeps saying bullshit like he is no harry potter.. what the fuck ? you just bought 12 players for almost a billion euros. What more do you want? You refused to let the new owners have the say in buying new players, even though they are 10000000000x more knowledgeable than you. Get the fuck out of our club and stop destroying the biggest club in the world please. You are the worst thing that ever happened to Manchester United, so good bye . The saddest part is his interviews where he either lies or actually believes his own bullshit. 'we were the best team'. And then XG 0.3 united 2.5 other team. Possession 37-63. Happens every game. United overperformed xg by so much and its the only reason ten months has his job, which is super annoying because we are playing like a team in 10th position in the league. So please, just please. Get rid of the worst manager in the history of football

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