We require full investigation of Norwegian authoritis ho have sent fals reports to Brazilians authoritis so Norwegians became arrested.

Til: To the Norwegian Prime Minister and Justice Minister

Dagbladet, wrote in a large two sides Bulletin Saturday 12 September 2009 that the Norwegian police have sent false reports to Brazil. On the basis of these reports are now Norwegians arrested and deprived of their property over there. Some have been sentence, the second is still pending. Many have been in prison in Brazil for years in anticipation of the verdict. This is a serious matter both for the Norwegian police, the Norwegian government and the Norwegians' legal protection, whether at home or abroad. It hears to the story that now, after to years, the arrested Norwegians in Brazil receive help from the Norwegin embassy. And all this is, as Dagbladet writes in the two page article: Norwegian authorities are responsible ... that is not taken seriously.

We who have signed this campaign requires:
Full investigation of this matter in all its breadth and depth. If it turns out that it is submitted false reports to the Brazilian authorities, the police officers who executed and / or contributed to the issuance of these false reports, to be held responsible fo their actions. The investigation should be carried out by lawyers and judges that has no connection to the police, then the police's own investigators, in ordinary people's eyes, has proved not to act impartial. It must also be investigated whether Norwegian officials at all levels, as this case involves, has performed a criminal offense or expelled obscene ignorance in the service, and these must in that case also be liable.

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